
Astrology Readings

Astrology Readings are beautiful opportunities to reflect on and contemplate what has been, what is, and what can now be dreamed, believed in and worked toward.

In these sessions, we walk through your natal chart, mindfully going step by step. We start with the fundamentals — the most significant themes and signatures as expressed through the planets (Sun, Moon, Ascendant ruler, etc.) and empowerment points (the ascendant, midheaven, etc.), signs, houses, and overall arrangement and movement of the heavens. At the same time, we enter through oracular portals as they appear: asteroids of importance and transits of particular significance. While we use the chart as the basis of the conversation, it is you and your life that are the source of meaning in this (or any other) astrological consultation.  

These readings are worthwhile for newcomers and seasoned sky-watchers. We craft the session depending on your experience with astrology and your interest in the technical or divinatory aspects of the practice. I have primarily studied Hellenistic astrology, a tradition that has been recovered from ancient texts and reinterpreted by astrologers like Demetra George, Chris Brennan and Chani Nicholas. Even still, my astrological practice includes other techniques, such as analysis of major and minor asteroids, as well as a foundation of professional chaplaincy. 

Cost is $150 and a session lasts for 90 minutes

Sessions can be done over the phone, FaceTime, or other video platform. These are not recorded, though you are free to do so (Voice Memos or other apps). Relevant follow-up materials and a copy of your chart will be emailed after the reading. 

Specialty Astrology Readings

Sabian Astro-Oracular Readings work with a set of symbols channeled in 1925 by the Spiritualist medium Elsie Wheeler and interpreted by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones. Each degree of the zodiac has its own quirky, haiku-like vignettes, which have proven to be enduringly effective tools for spiritual reflection.

We will look at the Sabian Symbols for your major astrological points and planets, blending more familiar astrological interpretations with oracular insights of the Sabian images. If you already know your “Big Three” (Sun, Moon, Ascendant and its ruler), and if you enjoy the intuitive, interpretive work of tarot, this is an ideal astrology reading to explore together.

Cost is $150 and a session lasts for 90 minutes

Sessions can be done over the phone, FaceTime, or other video platform. These are not recorded, though you are free to do so (Voice Memos or other apps). Relevant follow-up materials and a copy of your chart will be emailed after the reading. 

Fires in the Dark Astrology Readings are meant to "scale the depths," as the poet Rilke put it. This reading explores different ideas of sacred darkness — those places of obscurity, suffering and challenge that typically get maligned in "love and light" approaches to spirituality. Specifically, we explore the "dark" houses in the natal chart (12th, 8th, and 4th), the malefic planets, and a set of "dark angel" asteroids that subtly but profoundly illuminate the usually unseen. 

This reading can offer a greater depth of understanding for people who are already familiar with their natal charts. 

Cost is $150 and a session lasts for 90 minutes

Sessions can be done over the phone, FaceTime, or other video platform. These are not recorded, though you are free to do so (Voice Memos or other apps). Relevant follow-up materials and a copy of your chart will be emailed after the reading.