
The Hallowtide Oracle

The Hallowtide Oracle is a 20-card deck with hand-drawn art that hovers at the crossroads of silly and sacred. 

Explore arcane mysteries, inner truths, and absurdist realities with cards such as The Urbane Squirrel, The All-But-Gone Moon, The Belly Rub, Several Horses, and The Whistle in the Fog. 

The deck costs $50 and comes with a zine-style guidebook. 

I will mail it before Halloween. 

The deck was inspired by Edward Gorey, master of macabre children’s books, and his 20-card flirt with cartomancy, The Fantod Pack. My deck is an homage, but more campy than grim. It has the gentle thrill of Hocus Pocus, the Holiest of Hallowtide Texts.

Get it here - The Hallowtide Oracle